Ties Magazine, hosted under the domain name www.tiesmagazine.org, is a blog website only. All blogs published under in the website are original and website owner(s) and/or writer(s) reserves the Copyright. No part of the blog(s) can be reproduced or published in any form without the express permission of the website owner(s) and/or writer(s).
The blog(s) published are in good faith and all information provided is true to the best of the knowledge of the writer(s). The website shall not be held responsible for any damage and/or loss and/harm caused to any individual, group, property, institution, organization, state, or any party, whosoever, due to the blog(s) published in the website. All views and opinions presented within the blogs are that of the writer(s) only and the website does not claim adherence with them at any point of time.
Quality is our primary concern and our writer(s) and editor(s) take every measure to ensure that the blogs published in the website are free from any error and are of best quality. However, errors or omissions in any form might still be present due to negligence, human error, or any other unintentional reason.
This blog is meant for providing general helpful information and entertainment only. This is not a journal and no one associated with the creation and publication of the blogs claim professional expertise on the topics. The blogs should never be treated as professional or medical advice and should not be referred to thus.